Planfit app design — A UI/ UX Case Study.
Solving my first UX design challenge.

When people decide to get fit, lose weight or simply time up their body, gyms are perhaps the first place to come to mind. To achieve effective results, gym trainers would have to create workout plans for their clients.
The Design Challenge.
The personal trainers industry has experienced steady growth over time fueled by rising demand for weight-loss services and greater Interest in customized workout regimes. How can you help gym trainers create a workout plan for their clients.
In solving this problem, I came up with 4 steps to help me solve it.

01 Goal/ problem definition.
First, I feel this stage is as important as other steps if not the most important, how are we solve a problem effectively if we don’t know what we solving for.
Here, my goal is to Design an app that would help gym trainers to create a workout plan for their clients.
02 User research
As UX designers, our outmost success comes from really solving the users problems…
Hence, I defined my end user in mind ( gym trainers) and started researching to understand him/ her painpoints and challenges.
Here is what I came out with.
Say Mr okafor is a gym trainer who on average see’s 6 private clients for personalized plan, then Instruct other gymers.
Wireframes/ sketches/ user flow.
Here, I found this step really challenging, here is where I would have to use mental strength, thinking and mapping out the layout of my product. I was initially thinking it would be very easy and take less time.

Here comes the flash screen accompanied by the on boarding experience

Then the sign up/ sign in pages,
Also, provisions was made for logging in using social media accounts.

A personalized home screen
A home screen to remind you of what’s most important, showing you the sessions you have with your client for the day, if you care to see more, you would be directed to the schedule’s page.

A tab to show you all your clients, from which you can view your clients, level and profile- tracking his/her progress

Here after choosing to either activate / register your clients manually or sending them the link through email so they could register themselves.
Here comes a simple two process to registration.

First they fill in their personal information, the second process when filled would help the trainer determine the client’s workout level and assign workout activities to him/her.
Also comes the schedule feature for making appointments

The trainer gets to see people he has appointments with and the time set for seeing them.
All he needs to do is pick a date from the calendar and the fill out the description and time.
Then profile
This is where the trainer, makes all the changes, customizes his own experience, and gets to see his clients data and information in a more broader view.

I believe that at the basic level, I have been able to help gym trainers solve this problem. This case study or the design may not be the best, may have skipped parts or entirely not done well… please do leave a review or corrections as this would help me grow. Hopefully, I would getting better and better.
Thank you.